Drawing inspiration from real-life activist Mari Copeny, also known as 'Little Miss Flint,' this Lottie Doll named Meg aims to instill a sense of empowerment in children, encouraging them to believe in themselves and the power of their voices to effect change.
This empowering playset features a delightful ensemble, including a signature Mari tiara, a vibrant yellow 'Kids Voices Matter' t-shirt, a green jacket adorned with a 'Stand Up' badge, denim shorts, white sneakers, wristbands, a campaign placard, and a megaphone.
Meg boasts soft, high-quality saran nylon hair (with reduced tangling) and is crafted from phthalate-free vinyl plastic. Designed with real children in mind, Lottie Dolls advocate childhood empowerment, featuring child-like body proportions and meticulous design for safe play.
Product Features of the Kid Activist Lottie Doll:
- Ball-jointed doll with bendable knees
- Includes 'Kids Voices Matter' t-shirt, green jacket with 'Stand Up' badge, shorts, sneakers, campaign placard, and more
- Stands 18cm tall
- Black doll hair, brown doll eyes